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Council on Aging Meeting Minutes 3/11/15
                                Monterey Council on Aging
                                Minutes of March 11, 2015

The meeting was opened at 10 am. Present were M. Brown,  R. Champigny,  K. Purcell and J. Rodriquez.   The minutes were corrected and accepted.
ADA   J. Brown and M. Makuc were unable to attend.  J. Brown had researched assisted hearing devices.  Information on CCISolutions LS-23 were distributed and discussed.  The device comes with equipment for four listeners but may be able to be expanded.  It has the capacity to reach a large space.  The cost of this particular device is about $1,100.  J. Rodriquez will check with the fire company about installing this in the fire house.
Trips   Flyers were distributed and notices published about the April 6th trip to Hyde Park.  Response is slow so far.  Outreach will continue.                             Lunch at Roadside Store was enjoyed by 15 people.  The reviews were very good and plans for more lunches were requested.
Budget   After discussion the members voted to not be responsible for the coffee service in Town Hall any longer.  A second discussion concerned the Memorial Day observation at Corashire  Cemetery and the Parade in town.  It was decided the council will not have a role nor provide funds for these events.  A letter will be sent to the Select Board.
New Business   A survey form was given to us by the Claire Teague Senior Center.  It is for all the Berkshire county towns and refers to age friendly communities, also known as “aging in place”.  It is sponsored by MA CoAs, Elder Services and Berkshire Regional Planning among others.  Anyone 50 years or older, residing in Monterey, even part time, is encouraged to fill out the form on line @ .
The meeting adjourned at 11:35 am.
K. Purcell